Governor Christie declares public health crisis during Integrity House visit

On Tuesday, January 17, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made history at Integrity House in Newark by signing Executive Order 219, officially declaring the state’s opiate epidemic a public health crisis.  As a follow-up to the governor’s passionate State of the State address, this Executive Order will put many of his initiatives into action, including assembling a task force of state officials responsible for reducing red tape and crafting a comprehensive strategy to combat drug abuse in New Jersey.

“Identifying this epidemic as a public health crisis creates additional resources that will help us to properly treat those in need,” said Robert J. Budsock, President and CEO of Integrity House. “Governor Christie’s leadership in helping to fight this crisis is monumental. We are proud to have his support as we continue the fight against the disease of addiction.”

The governor also took the time to speak to recovering clients of Integrity House who shared their personal stories during a round table discussion about substance abuse and recovery issues.


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